Discover iOS 17’s Personal Voice Feature: Clone and Speak in Your Own Voice on Your iPhone in Just 15 Minutes

In a recent development, Apple has launched a groundbreaking feature known as Personal Voice for the iOS 17 upgrade, powered by machine learning (ML). This innovative feature can clone your voice, enabling your iPhone to speak just like you. But how does this work? Let’s delve into the details.

Recent Articles:

Apple, during their Tuesday announcement, highlighted a variety of new accessibility features coming with iOS 17. These upgrades aim to enhance the experience for users with cognitive, visual, and speech impairments. One standout addition is Personal Voice. Leveraging machine learning technology, this feature can replicate your voice, essentially turning your iPhone into a verbal clone of yourself. This unique capability can prove invaluable for those with speech impairments or conditions that limit their ability to speak over prolonged durations.[Recent Article]

What is the Personal Voice Feature by Apple iOS 17?

The Personal Voice feature was designed with a specific user group in mind – individuals at risk of losing their speech capabilities. This includes those diagnosed with progressive conditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that gradually impede the ability to speak.

iOS 17
Discover iOS 17’s Personal Voice Feature: Clone and Speak in Your Own Voice on Your iPhone in Just 15 Minutes

This feature is adeptly integrated with Live Speech, another novel feature introduced by Apple. Live Speech allows users to type their thoughts and have them verbally expressed during phone and FaceTime calls or in-person conversations. Essentially, it functions as a text-to-speech app, but the Personal Voice addition lends a unique personal touch to the process.

Following this, the device’s machine-learning capabilities generate a voice clone for the user. This feature allows users, while using Live Speech, to utilize their own voice instead of the generic robotic voice, which can sound artificial to some.

Philip Green, a board member and ALS advocate at the Team Gleason nonprofit, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2018, acknowledged the importance of this feature. Philip Green said, “The most important thing is being able to communicate with friends and family.” in a recent blog post by Apple.

iOS 17
iOS 17

While the technology is likely still in its early stages and may not perfectly replicate the nuanced modulations of a human voice, it’s a significant development for those who face challenges like ALS and wish to communicate in their own voice. It’s a great leap towards making the voice experience more personalized and intuitive for all users.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that Apple’s Personal Voice feature will be an integral part of [iOS 17]. In line with Apple’s long-standing commitment to accessibility, it is seen as a step forward in providing inclusive technology. This feature underscores Apple’s continuous pursuit of innovation and accessibility, keeping the needs of all its users at the forefront.

This breakthrough innovation is not just a new tool but a lifeline for individuals grappling with the loss of speech due to conditions like ALS. It empowers them to express themselves in their own unique way, adding an extra dimension of familiarity and comfort for both the user and the listener. The feature also extends the potential for broader applications, such as customization in virtual assistants, games, or other interactive applications where a unique voice can enhance the user experience.

iOS 17


In conclusion, Apple’s iOS 17 update with the Personal Voice feature marks a milestone in the tech giant’s journey towards making technology more accessible and personal. It is yet another testament to Apple’s dedication to creating user-friendly, accessible technology that resonates with a diverse range of users. Although it’s still in its nascent stages, we can anticipate that this technology will continue to evolve, bringing us ever closer to a future where our devices not only understand us but can also speak our language, in our voice.

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